Masterclass Wrap-Up – Chris Corby


Chris Corby is currently the Audio Director at Channel Nine. Former house engineer at Sing Sing studios, Chris was a founding member of commercial electronic group Deep Face.

Earlier this month the Abbey Road Institute hosted an informative Chris Corby Masterclass where he discussed audio in broadcasting, songwriting, and applying production techniques. Check out the masterclass wrap up below.

Chris corby’s masterclass advice

He talked about the world of television and the opportunities that lie within this career.

So gain as much experience as possible. From being a roadie right through to live sound, recommending students build a resume through working not just write one.

Chris delved into the technical world of broadcast by going through the matrix for televisions biggest audio event “The Carols” where recording and live sound is broadcast to millions of viewers live. Chris spoke of the different roles and how broadcast works from an audio perspective applied to television. Students saw a detailed insight into this platform.

Chris then opened a pro tools session and discussed an original track in depth. He broke down the different instrumentation and showed everything from what plug-ins he uses, right through to how he applies compression and effects.

Chris intertwined his sound design application from production into broadcasting and how space and frequency play an incredibly important role in defining a soundscape.

To end the masterclass, Chris introduced students to the marketing aspect of publishing, distribution and finding collaborators. Students gained a truly holistic and detailed masterclass all at once.

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