Jane Elizabeth Hanley Masterclass Wrap-Up

Last Friday, 7th of April Jane Elizabeth Hanley stopped by Abbey Road Institute’s Melbourne campus to deliver a compelling masterclass to the students. Working under the moniker Kids at Midnight, Jane creates lovestruck electro-ballad romantic-jams that has gained her a worldwide audience and collectively over one million plays on spotify.

Jane covered many topics in her masterclass, beginning with her story of how she came to start producing her own music. Originally part of a duo, Jane detailed the struggles and compromises of collaborating in a pair before eventually breaking out on her own. She discussed her writing process and explained how important it is to her and her music to be genuine and authentic. After the break she delved into the more technical side of production, demonstrating to the class how she records, edits and layers vocals in Ableton and other production hacks that increases her production work-flow.

Lachlan Pratt said that “Jane’s story of how she got to the place she is in the music industry resonates with what we’re learning on how to become an artist, how to maintain an artist profile and how to get started promoting your music. She gave us insight on so many different aspects of music production, the industry and artistry as a whole.”

Emily Toner, a student in her first trimester found “It was a really great session. Jane was incredibly generous with the knowledge she shared about her journey with producing as well as her process creating music. She gave us some really helpful practical tips and tricks and I left feeling inspired by her work ethic and commitment to her craft.”

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